About Optometry

Optometry is the branch of medical science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eyes and their associated structures. Optometrists, as licensed and specialized medical professionals, offer comprehensive eye health care and medications.

B.Voc Course in Optometry from Glocal University

B.Voc in Optometry provides students with opportunities to work in the medical field related to human vision. Optometry Vocational Course at Glocal University is an Optometry Degree program spanning 3 years and is recognized and accredited by UGC and AICTE, establishing its global authenticity. After completing the course, students acquire the skill set and legal acceptance to pursue their careers as an eye specialists and can work in government and private medical sectors, and medical universities and can also work as a consultant.

Career Opportunities

There are several job options after completing B.Voc in Optometry. Some of them are listed below.

  1. Government and Public Health

  2. Industry and Corporate Roles

  3. Academia and Research

  4. Specialized Practice

  5. Hospital or Clinic Settings

  6. Corporate Optometry

  7. Private Practice

  8. Telehealth

  9. International Opportunities

  10. Consulting